JRNY is a church that believes in Jesus and is dedicated to reaching people who feel far from Christ. Overwhelmed by the gift of Salvation we have found in Jesus, we have a heart for the millions of people in the Greater Philadelphia region that have yet to experience this life-changing relationship only found in Jesus Christ.
We are not okay with being mediocre for a God that is excellent. We give our best because God gave His best through His Son Jesus! We only exist to succeed in accomplishing God’s Mission to win lost people.
God’s will never contradicts God’s word. In a world swayed by man’s opinions we will build our entire lives on God’s truth. Following Jesus is as simple as listening to God and doing what He says.
We believe that God is obsessed with people who feel far from Him. Because of that, our personal preferences will always take a backseat to our mission. We are more concerned with the people we’re trying to reach than the people we’re trying to keep!
We believe the church exists for the world! We are not a country club for Christians. Generous is not something we do, it’s who we are! We believe nothing asked of us is too hard or takes too much time, because we are called to the only thing that’s worth giving our lives to!
We are servants to our community and will be known for our kindness. Our lives will cause those around us to experience God long before they ever step foot in our church!